Cotton Sold At Rs 6500 Per Quintal In Telangana Farmers Are Facing Loss

Cotton Sold At Rs 6500 Per Quintal In Telangana Farmers Are Facing Loss

Cotton Production: This year farmers in the country are facing a lot of crop loss. Papaya, apple and orange crops had already suffered a lot of damage. Sometimes pests and sometimes diseases ruined the crops of the farmers. Floods, rains and droughts have already caused economic damage to the farmers. Now the farmers are upset due to the low price of cotton. Due to not getting the right rate, even the cost of the farmers is not being recovered.

Cotton price in Telangana increased by Rs 6000 per quintal

This time the crisis of cotton price has been seen in Telangana. According to media reports, the price of cotton has come down drastically as compared to last year. Farmers say that farmers used to get up to Rs 15,000 per quintal for the price of cotton. Now it is only Rs 6000 per quintal. Due to such low prices, even the cost of the farmers is not being recovered.

production decreased due to rain

Experts say that due to rain, leaves have come in the crop. Due to this, the edge of the doda has been damaged. Due to this production has decreased rapidly. There is a possibility of a 50 percent decline in production. At the same time, experts say that the price of cotton in the market ranges from Rs 6,000 to Rs 8,000 per quintal. The central government and the state government should make it Rs 15,000 per quintal.

Farmers will protest if they do not get the right price

Farmers are upset due to not getting the right price for cotton. Farmers are protesting everywhere. Farmers say that if the state government does not fix the rate of cotton at Rs 15,000 per quintal, then they will protest in the entire state. Chakka jam will be done at various places in the state.

45 percent less production of cotton in Punjab

There has been a big decline in cotton production in Punjab. According to media reports, for the last 3 years, there was a good production of cotton in Punjab. Both the farmers and the state government were happy with the bumper crop. There was no crisis of cotton storage in front of the state government as well. But this year has not been good for both the government and the farmers of Punjab. According to media reports, a 45 percent decrease in cotton productivity has been registered this year. Pink hair worm and other pests are being told behind the damage to cotton.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Farmer brothers, before implementing any suggestion, do consult the concerned expert.

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